Spread your wings

Continue on to discover more about Monarch’s Creative Mood Logs for Mental Health

Simple & Functional

I am so proud of you for reaching out and adding this journal to your lifestyle. This is a safe place to jot down your personal health information, thoughts and feelings.

I have incorporated creative concepts for you on the days when you have big emotions to share, and days where it’s too hard to get out of bed.

Color Theory

The primary focus of this guided journal, is to utilize expressions of color as much as you can, especially when logging your emotions. Any use of color allows you to see whether your brain is staying consistent, or if it fluctuates a little too often. The brain pattern mood logs are where I personally see the fluctuations the most.

Consciously Growing

Utilizing the color theory concept (when coloring illustrations) is another great way to log your moods! Creating is a free flowing way to express emotions and free our minds. Another important piece of this tangible journal is seeing the variations in our handwriting. Seriously, think about it! I have always felt if I am happy and journaling on a beautiful sunny day, my handwriting is more controlled, free flowing., and happy. On the days that I am not okay, it appears to be messy and harsh. Come to find out, there has been quite a bit of research done on this theory. Take a look for yourself!

This is one of the best adjustments I have made in my life. I kept thinking I could always “wing it”. I thought I would remember all I needed by the time my 4-week doctor’s appointment rolled around, sometimes believing my episodes didn’t fluctuate that often. That was not true. I needed consistency, knowledge, and overall accountability.

I believe you can use this mood log in your life to better understand your brain patterns, log doctors notes, create healthy habits and express your bonkers ideas through creative concepts. Knowledge is power, and only you know YOU best. By logging your patterns, you can communicate your needs and become a better advocate for yourself.

You know yourself better than anyone else

Importance of Mood Journaling

Personal Well-Being & Care Plan

Brain History - Routine Health Check-In - Self Love

By developing a routine system, you are already one step ahead of the game. The importance of keeping a log of your sleep, what hours you work, medication intake, mood shifts, and overall well-being, allows you to understand how your brain functions. Bipolar is wild and beautiful. Logging your mood shifts and symptoms is a healthy way to advocate for your mental health. If you are currently seeing a medical professional as a part of your care plan, this journal is a great guide to relay important information about YOU. You will be able to get the help you need to maintain stability while having a history logged for yourself. This will help you better understand how your brain functions. Having a tangible journal and brain charts easily shows your expressions and emotions. Keep this journal handy when you go to your providers, and don’t ever be afraid to advocate for yourself! You know yourself better than anyone, even someone with a medical degree.

Utilize color to Express your Mood

Color Theory - Creativity - Functionality

Creating art is a way to explore, release emotions, find peace, and feel accomplishment. Art is another form of communication: a way to express yourself when you can’t find the words. Mental Health is hard and can get scary at times when sharing your journey with anyone, let alone with a provider. By moving past the complex barrier of Mental Health (through art & expression with color) you have now created beauty, self awareness, and a way to communicate what needs to be said. Ahh! Simplicity!

Start tracking your symptoms today.